Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Money Flows

If you ever feel like you have no control over your money, then you're certainly not alone, and you're definitely not imagining things. After the Fed's decision today to bailout A.I.G., it is apparent to me that the U.S. government has an agenda to save it's own interests, or should I say corporate America is pulling the strings of our government. $85 billion dollars of your hard-earned tax dollars is now in the hands of a company who was not responsible with doing its job. These companies could not manage their finances, and the best we can do is cut them a loan, at the cost of the American taxpayer. This is an absolute outrage, and those in government should now be held accountable. Selective bailouts, and bailouts that come with a hefty price tag, supporting an institution that failed not only its customers, but also the American taxpayer.
Some may argue, that if these bailouts are not given, that the economy would fail. But what you don't understand is that A.I.G., and such corporations are not the economy, they are a small part of it. With that in mind, when the true economy, the American people, are having there tax dollars withdrawn and poured into the private sector, these bailouts are in fact draining the all encompassing U.S. economy.
You know, that no one bails you out when you lose your job. No one bails you out when you fail to effectively do what you're expected with your job. If your credit is bad, and it's on record, you don't get loans. If your business fails, there's no one standing by to bail you out. And all the while, all you here nowadays is how people in America, are struggling, outright struggling to out food on their tables, and are fighting to keep their homes. Yet, the U.S. government decides to funnel money to the top, keeping the financial expectations at the same high market value for the average consumer, instead of letting the recession follow through, and bring the economy down to a fair rate. Not just fair but intrinsically what it is really worth, and not this facade of value produced by corrupt corporate America. Our government, by providing bailouts to these companies, is simply putting the lipstick on the bear.

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