Friday, September 26, 2008

I Can't Get No, Stimulation

The U.S. government is an absolute disgrace. We've got Republicans calling us to action to help the economy, then they decide they don't want to move forward with it. We've got presidential debates postponed, now it's going to happen. We're getting promises of lower taxes for the middle class, yet we're being expected to bail out big companies with our tax dollars. Democrats didn't trust Paulson on the bail out plan, yet they will move forward on implementing an unpopular plan, yet it is the "responsible" thing to do (Demolition accomplished).
I was watching on C-Span over the weekend, representative after representative, approach the podium with out-right anger at how this economic bail out plan is being managed by a select group of Congress, and then being brought to the floor for approval, without any discussion over it 110 page subject matter, and the laws it outlines. It's an absolute disgrace to America's ideals, and the way government should be run based on our Constitution. It's sad to witness a hand-picked group of Senators, Bush administration figures, and Representatives, go over a resolution, and walk out and tell the American public that this deal is ready to go. It's not a deal if there's no one else to make a deal with.
Here's a solution for you! Why don't you bail me out? Why don't you bail out all those people who are swamped in debt, because of these outrageously high markets. Why don't you bail us out by giving us jobs that give us reasonable pay, that would allow us to keep us afloat? Why don't you give us some reasonable health care, so that we don't have to shovel out thousands of dollars a month, which could be money used to put back into our debt, or put into investing? You don't do this, because it wouldn't make sense to you. Because you don't know what it's like to have empty pockets, and a pain in your body, you can't take care of, because there's no money to go to the doctor. You don't have a clue what it's like. All you know is how to keep those poor suffering CEO's afloat, so that they'll have enough money to pay for their country club dues, get medical coverage for their pet dogs, and mold their aging ugly wives with out-patient surgeries.
I received a letter from my Senator this weekend, after having spent a good 3 hours writing her a well thought out letter, and she had the nerve to send me back a form letter, which was probably sent out to the rest of her constituency, pacifying me, and telling me that everything will be okay, once we pass this bill, and take care of our poor Wall Street. Senator Feinstein said that she "received from Californians more than 50,000 calls and letters, the great bulk of them in opposition to any form of meeting this crisis with financial help from the Federal Government." That's a lot of people, not even considering those who are opposed who didn't write her. She also stated that "this isn't just about Wall Street." I could not agree with her more. It's a crisis at the individual level, where people are swamped with debt from all angles, and the only solution the government has is to bail out those who inflated the American financial system in the first place. Bailing out Wall Street, therefore won't work, because the Fed has decided to place yet another band-aid on a system that is financially, and internally bleeding. There solution is offer more credit to the existing credit, on top of debt. Money has become a ghost.
President Bush keeps hanging this fear over us, that the economy will destroy itself if this plan does not get approved by Congress, yet the fear has been there for a long time. We knew about our problems long before you did, Mr. President. I fear the only threat that exists now, is your administration's dangerous mismanagement of our economy.

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