Thursday, September 25, 2008

You Can't Run, Then Don't

Granted there is a major crisis occurring in the U.S., but McCain's move to suspend his campaign, and bypass the presidential debate is in very bad taste, as far as leadership is concerned. How about, when you become president, and we go to war, you just suspend your presidency when you see fit. Mr. McCain, we want to hear what your thoughts are on topics, especially now, in a time when a firm sense of leadership is most important.
These days, I wouldn't think that a politician in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, could not correspond with Washington via email, or phone, or Blackberry device. But, oh yeah! I forgot, McCain, can flip barbecue ribs, but he can't click send for an email. (watch this!)
On a separate note, regarding the financial crisis. Have you ever experienced trying to contact congressional members online. I spent a good part of Wednesday afternoon, submitting messages to congress via web forms, and more than three quarters of them were restricted by zip code. So, in other words, if you don't live in that congressional district you can't inform members of Congress of anything. I don't desire a response, so there is no taxpayer money going into dealing with my email, and it cost near nothing to receive an email. So, why is contacting our government so restricted? The email address of a Senator or Congress person is not private information, and should be made readily available for any American citizen.
So what I was forced to do was look up the coverage area of each member's district, locate a city, and find a business address that was located within this district, and use that zip code. I had to reference three separate sites to do so ( of all sites; good old faithful, Wikipedia, the U.S. Postal Service, and lastly, Google maps). The first site, lists all the Senators and Representatives of the current Congress. In Wikipedia, you can search for a state's district, simply by putting in, for example, "Alaska's 1st congressional district", and it will return a plethora of info, and a map. From there I picked a city name, and went to Google maps to find a business that was located in that district, copy and paste it's street address into the USPS's zip code finder, along with state and city name, and it will return a proper zip code for the congress person's district. Sorry folks, spamming is nearly impossible, but if you have the time, I would definitely follow through with some emails to the only people in our government who can actually listen to us.
Okay, so back to my rant on McCain. Bush made the request to have McCain and Obama come back to Washington to has out some ideas on moving Paulson's grand scheme to save our economy forward. This is the most absurd political maneuver I have ever witnessed, and not only is it disruptive to the process of selecting a new president, but it is evident that Bush, and McCain, are completely incapable of running a nation based on slew of mixed messages, unstable political stances, and the inability to aptly inform the American public what their true intentions or plans are. In an interview with Katie Couric, Palin, stated, "'America may find itself on' the road to 'another Great Depression.'" (Couric, Letterman too much for McCain and Palin). Then last night with McCain, when asked about Palin's statement, he responded, "I, I don't know if, if, if it's exactly the depression...". Come on! What the fuck is going on here? Do these candidates even communicate with each other? I, mean, really, if they did, maybe they could actually get their stories straight, and deal with the real issues, not ones that don't even exist.
The only consistent politician in this mess, the only figure who has acknowledged the failures of our current government, and the out of touch ideologies of the Republican right wing, that has destroyed our nation's welfare to thrive, is Obama. It is evident because, McCain, has not only bailed on his constituents, but has advertised himself as a person, who can only get the job done when the circumstances are beneficial to his political needs, and not the needs of the people. The debate should go on. Why would McCain suddenly bail on Letterman, and instead do an interview with Katie Couric? Because, McCain, and his GOP vote thieves, probably thought that since Couric is a morning show host, and most at-home moms are watching at that time, then it would make sense to grab hold of that demographic in the evening, and present himself in a better light, pulling the old female card again. I loved Letterman's reactions. How do you blow off Letterman?
Anyhow, I'm done griping for today. I just wanted to note this mess. You conservative big boys can dodge the truth all you want, but sooner or later it will come to the surface, and people will not tolerate your scheming, the secrecy, and the candy-coated baloney you keep dishing out.

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