Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who Does She Think She Is?

So on my Sunday afternoon, I decided to catch up on my New York Times reading, and I was easily distracted by an article regarding the Republican's vice presidential candidate, Sarah "Goody Goody" Palin. Lipstick or not she still reflects a lot of the current administration's blatant disregard for the law, and ethical governance. Now I know all you die hard Republicans out there are going to tell people like me that it's not fair and that more respect should be given to her, but you know what folks, you need to look at the facts here.
She is not a policy maker, because she does not understand the importance of democracy, and a government that runs itself. Instead her background is loaded with ruthless personal vendettas, and running government the way she and her close friends see fit. This is not my America, nor should you accept her vision as yours. How would you feel if you local government had put forth a code or some legal restriction, that you and others did not feel was acceptable, and not in the best interests of the people in that area? How would you then feel, if that governing entity discovered your opposition, and even though you did nothing to argue the point, they decided that your position was null, and removed you from your job, not because you incompetent, but because you had a different point of view? It's quite simple. You wouldn't feel anything, because it doesn't matter to people like this. They are not concerned about your feelings, your well being, and your ability to have any say in how your world and your existence is preserved.
Sarah Palin does not represent in any way the free America we once knew. She has governed a very isolated part of the world, and does not understand the greater need of the American people, because in all the words she's been spilling forth, not once has she expressed the need to address the crises that many Americans face on a day to day basis. She's never discussed how to make our economy better, she's never spoken about how she plans on addressing the cleaning up of our environment, she doesn't deal with the issues of energy, and lastly she still hasn't address to us how she plans on dealing with threats to our national security. I mean she didn't even know what the Bush Doctrine was. Her idea of foreign relations being able to see an island in Russia 2 miles off the coast of Alaska, that she's never even been to.
Palin has stated regarding her economic policies, that "it's not government to be looked at to solve all the problems." But it's only one problem, and it seriously needs to be solved. We are not dealing with some small town fiscal crisis, this is a major national nightmare. A politician cannot possibly take a huge number of issues, and spin them into a single item. Then there's the fact that she has fired numerous people under her for personal reason, and could not provide a professional reason for ousting these people from their positions. Now this willy-nilly firing of people is great if your dealing with people who cannot fulfill their responsibilities, but when you go about firing people without warrant, or because they have acted in a manner that counters your beliefs, or your political stance, you are doing a disservice to the economy, and the confidence of the market. What would happen if a large worker's union opposed her presidential will? Would Palin just decide that these people don't deserve a job, because they disagree with me, and then fire thousands of people for personal reasons? That, folks, is not the representation of a good national leader. We're losing enough jobs already in this country, and we do not need a leader who will practice employment genocide due to personal feelings.
Now, her stance on environment is just outright ignorant. She has stated on the topic of what is main cause for global warming, "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.". If it's not man-made, then what else would it be? In my state of California, from 1990 to 2004, hydro fluoro compound emissions (gases derived from manufacturing, and commonly used on aircraft, ships and large vehicles as well as in computer facilities, that is the main cause of global warming) went from 7.1 million metric tons to 14.2 million metric tons. So you tell me whether or not it was man-made! (see here)
On the environmental note, Palin, will drive our environmental concerns into the ditch, because she is a huge supporter of big oil in Alaska, having fostered the allowance of big oil to drill in ANWR. If we are to effectively save our environment from energy consumption, we need to yield our addiction to oil, and stop thinking it is our only way to solve our dependency. It is not the only energy resource available to us, and in all reality, opening up more drilling in Alaska is not a long term solution. Of course it's all about who is lining her pockets, because giving us more oil doesn't necessarily make it cheaper, it gives the oil companies more money, and does not in any way help our environment. If anything this shallow attempt to persuade us into a pseudo effective energy plan is a joke. This may have been a viable platform for her to stand back in 1990, when the world consumed 66 million barrels a year, but I got news for you maverick Palin, we consume 83 million barrels a day now. Do you think Alaska can cover that? This just goes to show that she has no idea what the reality of the energy situation is.
The final thing here I want to address is Palin's approach to Foreign policy, and how that ties into national security. First, it is worth noting that in her interview with Charles Gibson, she balked at his question on what her stance was on the Bush Doctrine. She had no idea what it was. It's all about foreign policy, and the protection of U.S. borders. So what, Russia is close to Alaska! Anyone who can read a map knows that, and one Russia is not a direct threat to the U.S., and two, what does that have to do with the threat terrorism. Other than this Palin has got nothing else when it comes to dealing with foreign entities and national security.

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