Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Vultures Will Swarm

Having gone through enough political battling with the presidential elections having past, the American people have heard and seen enough of it, and now is a better time than ever for America's leaders to move well past the horrendous struggle between political parties for power of leadership. Enough is enough already! The American people deserve a working government, instead of a government that fights against itself. With a current financial crisis slowly devouring the stability of the U.S., the effective management of the Iraq war, and Afghanistan deployment, and pretty much the gather up of the pieces of dilapidated government and nation, that needs a stable and focused leadership.

If the American people consider their disposition, the only political party that is to blame for it constant instability can be owed to the Republican party, mostly composed of neoconservative policy makers, and strongly supported by the GOP. These political entities have not only aggressively pushed faulty war policies, but have participated in underhanded moves to destroy any political opposition through federal grand jury investigations. Mainly, the responsibility of a failing Republican party or the GOP, or the blame should be heavily placed on the Bush's, especially George W. Bush, having been remarked as one of the worst U.S. presidents in history, which is the least of his blemishes upon his political record. When we look to trying to understand why he failed as president, it's simply because we went from a tremendously thriving economy, to that which was withered away in the first term of his presidency, fought two wars which are still unfinished, will be left in the hands of a new president, and one of which was smeared with corruption, lies, and consistently tainted secrecy and mystery. Most historians will look back at this presidency, and say WTF!

Now America has elected a leader who has offered the nation a promise of "change", but will this really happen? Obama's intentions are great, but it is not that he won;t live up to them, it is that Washington's dirty old consensus has rotted America out from the inside, and Obama is staring at huge brick wall, when it comes to Senators who bicker over who gets to pass what law, and sneak a bill in every which way than done, and in the end nothing is resolved. Instead Americans, if not the world, are left with even more turmoil, and political stink.

I really enjoyed Senator Feinstein's tantrum over not being informed of Obama's nod for head of the CIA. Why does Feinstein have any leverage in the matter other than her having to run the intelligence committee for the approval of Panetta. Now today she approves of Obama's selection. This is my point exactly! If we didn't have these old bastards getting in the way, we'd actually have leaders capable of doing there jobs without all the game playing bullshit flying around distracting them from doing their job. Mrs. Feinstein, it is your job to approve of whoever the President-elect selects, and he is not obligated by law or in any other fashion to explain to you beforehand why he made that decision. What a twit.

Now this picture shows up on CNN this morning, of the living presidents getting their photo ops with the newly elected Barack Obama. Now, I'm really into interpretation of figurehead photos, because you can often tell a lot by their body language, and positioning. First, the ties, the Bushes and Obama, are all wearing blue ties. Blue in most political marketing minds is a symbol of softness, trust, and offers a more down-to-earth tone. On the surface you may get all of that with the Bushes, but in all reality, they are sheisters, and they would need to heavily depend on imagery to associate themselves with trust and tenderness. Both Bushes were war declaring presidents, so that tosses tenderness out the window. Bush Jr., well his entire presidency was intertwined with constant surfacing of corporate and political corruption, including corruption on the war front. So I don't see how anyone would consider the Bushes in any way associated with trust.

Also, consider the positioning of the presidents. Both presidents whose parties were swept out of incumbency by a landslide (McCain's loss to Obama, and Clinton's sweep over Bush Sr.), are standing literally on top of Obama, so much so it goes beyond shoulder to shoulder but overlapping shoulders. Give the guy some breathing room! This looks like a shallow attempt to associate themselves with the winner, when in a time the Republicans haven't a leg to stand on to sway the voters. Any connection they can make to Obama, even if it is physical body contact is just another desperate attempt to grapple at power posits. On the other side of the photo, both Clinton and Carter have given themselves ample room between themselves and the guys on the left.

I know, photos aren't everything, and I should not make assumptions about political character based on them, but you should ask yourself, why these leaders position themselves in a such a way in the first place. If you look into the details of things, when observing the political behaviors of our leaders you may discover that there is more than meets the eye in how they will carry out the policies of economy, relationships with foreign countries, and meeting the needs of the American people.

Even though this article may seem a bit bitter towards these leaders who have failed us in one way or another, there is a lighter side of it that came into being, when I thought about the respectable deed of Obama calling this luncheon, and having the openness of discussing ideas of all leaders on both sides of the political spectrum, whether wrong or right. This is something that should be taken level upward, in that presidents, instead of being part of a club, should consult one antoher as does a jury, or a committee. A presidential council of sorts.

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