Friday, January 09, 2009

Well it looks like Dick(head) Cheney is up to his "higher than thou" and "wasn't me" antics again. The Associated Press writes that Cheney feels that President Bush should not have to apologize for not foreseeing the U.S.'s current economic, and that the no one at the CIA participated in any illegal activity of interrogating detainees of war time prisons in Iraq or Guantanamo.

First of all, Mr. Cheney is only the vice president, thus his points of view only really matter when the president concurs with them. Sorry, there are no points for second place. It's also worth noting that Cheney is correct in that Bush should be sorry for not foreseeing the economic crisis, simply because he didn't have to. He created it. It's would be ridiculous to think that people could be expected to foresee there own performances. Thus, his boss should apologize for what he produced, not what he could not predict.

One could also approach the CIA's illegal actions in the same manner. Cheney is correct again, in that the CIA's agents did not participate in illegal operations in detaining suspected terrorists in prison camps throughout the Middle East, including Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, and of course the Bush Administration's safety, Cuba. Recalling that the Pentagon hired corporate mercenaries to carry out logistical operations, those operations once delegated to military personnel, which included interrogations. These interrogations involved not just the illegal mistreatment and torture of detainees, but some were killed without proof of their guilt or association with terrorist cells. So, in a way the CIA is not the only institution to point a finger at, but let's also throw some fingers in the direction of your good old buddies at Haliburton/KBR, or whatever ass-covering name it is nowadays.

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